Five-Star Sports Academy's Ninja Warrior program was designed by three-time American Ninja Warrior competitor and Long Island resident, Justin Conway! Our obstacle course is designed to give you the experience of being on a true Ninja Warrior course with variations for all skill levels. We offer programs for six year-old first timers to adult adventure-seekers looking for a new way to lose weight or to just have fun! We have a full-sized 14’ Warped Wall for adults, an 8’ Warped Wall for our younger Ninjas, Double Salmon Ladder, Cannon Ball Alley, Ropes, Bars and so much more. Our Ninja Warrior program focuses on fitness, calisthenics, obstacle courses and more.
Here at Five-Star we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe that disciplined athletic training is the key to building self-confidence and self-awareness. The Five-Star Ninja Warrior program accomplishes these benefits for all of its participants through challenging, fun and innovative obstacle course training. Come and experience Long Island’s premier full-scale Ninja Warrior facility and participate in fitness training on our obstacle course right here at Five-Star. Click here to register now!